- Individual Catrina Eleganté are extremely fragile and delicate. The Zenwaro fulfillment team has developed very specific receiving, unpacking, & handling information. These instructions and policies are provided before order fulfillment and require purchasing customer consent to follow receiving instructions upon receiving. To learn more visit our Help Center article about how to handle these Authentic Fragile Figures.
- Suggest to display in secure area. Where Sculpture is not easily accessible.
La Monarca| Hand Sculpted Catrina
La Monarca "The Monarch" Catrina is an original work of art. Cultural folk art celebrating a natural wonder that is intrinsically tied to the region of Mexico where this sculpture was created. The migration of the Monarch butterfly and the artistry of Catrina sculpting are native to the State of Michoacán Mexico like apple pie is to the United States. Over 50 monarch butterfly sculptures cover La Monarca catrina each butterfly is individually sculpted from terracotta and hand painted. Individual butterfly figures attach to the surface of the body and elegant sombrero via small metal pins. The butterflies are inserted one x one when the clay is still raw then become fused to the terracotta during the kiln fire/curing process. The sculpture is painted by hand in dark black with a satin finish.
Important Receiving Clause.
Individual Catrina Eleganté are extremely fragile and delicate. Therefore Zenwaro fulfillment team has developed very specific handling information and instructions. These instructions and policies are provided to individual customers and require purchasing customers full consent to follow receiving instructions and understanding of tested handling protocols before moving to the packaging and order fulfillment stage.